2007 Toyota Avanza
Transmission: Automatic
Drive Train: 4WD
Engine Cylinders: 1600
Fuel: Gasoline
Mileage: 100000 km
Exterior Color: white
Interior Color: red
Doors: 4
Comfort: Navigation System
Safety: Airbag: Driver, Airbag: Passenger, Airbag: Side, Alarm, Anti-Lock Brakes, Fog Lights, None of the Listed
Windows: Power Windows, Rear Window Defroster, Rear Window Wiper, Tinted Glass, None of the Listed
Sound / Entertainment System: CD Changer, CD Player, Premium Sound, DVD Player, AM / FM Radio, None of the Listed
Other Features: Alloy Wheels, Sunroof/Moonroof, Third Row Seats, Tow Package, GPS Navigation, Back Up Sensors, None of the Listed
Car Accessories
ABS brakes
Airbag driver
Airbag passenger
Air conditioning
Adjustable steering
Keyless remote entry
Power door locks
Power mirrors
Power seats
Power steering
Power windows
Leather seats
Tinted glass
DVD player
Navigation system
Reversing sensors
Alloy rims
Fog lamps
Loan Calculator
Monthly Installment:₱ 4,667
Note: This loan calculator is only as a simulation guide for your personal use.